Paris Climate Agreement Background

The Paris Climate Agreement Background: An Overview

The Paris Climate Agreement is a significant international treaty that lays out a framework for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate climate change. Its origins date back to 1992, when the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was established. The UNFCCC is a global treaty that recognizes the need for action to prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system.

Over the years, the UNFCCC has held numerous annual meetings to address climate change and its impact on the planet. In 2015, the 21st meeting of the UNFCCC took place in Paris, France. This meeting, known as COP21, was attended by representatives from 195 countries, including world leaders and diplomats.

The primary goal of COP21 was to negotiate a new international climate change agreement that would replace the Kyoto Protocol, which had expired in 2012. The Paris Climate Agreement was adopted on December 12, 2015, and it went into effect on November 4, 2016.

The Paris Climate Agreement aims to limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, with a goal of limiting the increase to 1.5°C. Countries are required to submit their own nationally determined contributions (NDCs) outlining their efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These submissions are reviewed every five years, with the goal of increasing the stringency of the targets over time.

The Paris Climate Agreement is unique in that it covers both developed and developing countries. It recognizes the different needs and circumstances of each country, and it aims to provide support for developing countries to transition to low-carbon economies.

One of the most significant aspects of the Paris Climate Agreement is the commitment to provide financial resources to support developing countries. Developed countries have pledged to provide $100 billion per year in climate finance by 2020. This funding is intended to help developing countries adapt to the impacts of climate change and to transition to low-carbon economies.

The Paris Climate Agreement has been widely hailed as a significant step forward in the fight against climate change. However, it has also faced criticism from some who feel it doesn`t go far enough. For example, some argue that the emissions reduction targets aren`t ambitious enough to prevent catastrophic climate change.

Overall, the Paris Climate Agreement represents a major international effort to address climate change and its impact on the planet. Its continued success will depend on the commitment of countries around the world to meeting their emissions reduction targets and providing support to developing countries.