Subcontractor or Sub-Contractor

Subcontractor vs. Sub-Contractor: Which Spelling is Correct?

As a copy editor, it’s important to pay attention to spelling and grammar. One spelling variation that often comes up in the construction industry is “subcontractor” versus “sub-contractor”. Which spelling is correct? The answer may surprise you.

Traditionally, the correct spelling for someone who performs work under a contract with a main contractor is “subcontractor”. However, in recent years, the spelling “sub-contractor” has become increasingly popular. So, which one should you use?

Technically, both spellings are correct. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “subcontractor” is the preferred spelling in British English, while “sub-contractor” is the preferred spelling in American English. However, it’s worth noting that in modern-day American English, “subcontractor” is now the more commonly used spelling.

So, if you’re writing for a British audience, it may be safer to stick with the “subcontractor” spelling. However, if you’re writing for an American audience, you can use either spelling, but “subcontractor” is usually the safer bet.

It’s also worth noting that search engine optimization (SEO) can play a role in your choice of spelling. If you’re writing for a website that targets an American audience, using “subcontractor” is the more SEO-friendly option. That’s because most search engines treat “subcontractor” and “sub-contractor” as two separate words, which can dilute your keyword density and hurt your search rankings.

In conclusion, both “subcontractor” and “sub-contractor” are correct spellings. However, “subcontractor” is the more commonly used spelling in modern-day American English and is the safer bet for SEO. If you’re unsure which spelling to use, consider your audience and the context in which you’re writing. Ultimately, the most important thing is to be consistent and clear in your writing.